Wednesday, December 27, 2006

One Very Happy Boy.


gagknee said...


have you ever been to the sandpit off the railroad bed between rte 9 and scruton pond road?

its a good place to tool around in for a couple of hours.

L-DUB said...

No, where do you access it?

I've been on Scruton Pond before to go to the dump, the only sand pit I remember is right beside the dump itself.

gagknee said...

theres two ways

1. park at the "park and ride" across from calefs. behind one of the crappy barns is the entrance to the trail, which is an old railroad bed. thats where i usually went in.

2. from 125 if you turn onto scruton pond rd about 100 feet up on your left is the old railroad bed. its gated, but i used to see people parked there. theres a trail around the gate of course.

another place to ride is up in strafford off 202A. where the mohawk river goes under 202a. theres a class 6 or something road called jonesboro rd. you can park on mohawk rd and just tool around on jonesboro rd and some side trails. its not really enough to entertain an adult, but its good for kids.

and if you are really adventurous, you can go park on canaan back rd, and go into the power lines and ride around for a couple hours.

you used to be able to ride from the bellamy reservoir all the way to the mohawk rd are i just mentioned. you can't anymore, but there are still pockets of good riding around.

one other spot, off green hill rd, and i can't guarantee its still there, is a road called isinglas rd. drive down it for a half a mile or so and theres a very small sandpit.