Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Why So Serious?"

The kids met the nicest guy while on vacation in Canada...

Bucket List...

I don't have an official bucket list but if I did, here are two things from last weekend that I would be able to cross off.

1. Statue Of Liberty

2. Niagra Falls

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Winter Vacation

Here are a few pictures from our recent trip to California.

We just got back from from spending 7 days in the San Francisco and Fresno area. Day time temps were in the high 60's. Sunny and warm at the beach and in the valley and plenty of snow in the mountains at 6000+ feet.

Fun playing in pool and spa. The pool water was 60 degrees and the spa was 102 degrees. Needless to say we spent much more time in the spa.

General Grant Tree in Kings Canyon National Park

One of many water falls in Yosemite National Park

Half Dome in Yosemite National Park

Monterey Beach

Some of our findings on the beach... Starfish, shells, and hundreds of little crabs

San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge
San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco - Lombard Street

San Francisco - Alcatraz